At First, It Was Unintentional
Over the years I have struggled with anxiety and depression, an eating disorder, maladaptive daydreaming, and self harm. For a long time...

A Better Life
Fear is easy. It is easy to let worry consume us. To let fear tear us down. To let hopelessness dissolve our energy. It is hard to be...

The Smallest of Actions
I washed by hair yesterday. Now, some of you who just read that sentence have your brow furrowed in confusion, thinking “So what?” But...

Protecting Your Energy
If you are feeling drained, fearful, or out of control, you should absolutely keep reading... Because Anxiety Coach, Amanda Dewey was...

COVID-19 Introvert
I’ve always known I was an introvert. But if this COVID-19 shutdown has taught me anything, it has, with 100% surety, made it undeniably,...

Writing a New Story
Shan of The Kind Mind Club was generous enough o share with me her story of mental health growth and it served to me as an amazing...

Pandemic Anxiety
I am trying ever so hard not to have the coronavirus dominate every conversation I have and every post I make... but it’s incredibly...

Women's History Month
In honor of Women’s History Month I would like to say Thank You to all my female readers and followers. I want to express gratitude for...