I started writing the ‘Descendants of War’ series when I was only a teenager. At the time,
I was searching for an escape from reality and so created my own world,
my own tales, my own magic.
In these books, Aurora, Argus, Eleanor, Silvia and other multi-dimensional characters journey
through a rich, deep, marvelous world. A world filled with fantasy, yet still a world we
can relate to. Prophecies. Dragons. Secrets. Mysteries and betrayal.
Each character has been written to face triumph and failure - battling the same demons
as you and I, all the while embarking on epic, end-of-the-world adventures.
You will laugh, you will cry, and you may even
surprise yourself rooting for the bad guy.

Meet the Characters:

Aurora, is the most powerful of all Descendants, she is hope.
Argus, loves the wrong things, and frequently finds himself in the wrong places at the wrong times - wondering why.
He is a victim.
Eleanor, Crown Queen of Thurnadan, is always looking for an easy way out that benefits her crown.
She is manipulation.
Malcolm, King of Thurnadan by marriage to Eleanor, refuses to acknowledge the true reality of his life.
He is denial.
Donovan, the bastard son of conflicting rulers. He is consequence.
Zagan, cruel King of Sharnin, is torment.
Lairson, the castle doctor of Thurnadan, is envy.
Jestin, the drunken castle cook, is self medication.
Bridget, a traitorous maid turned spy, is confusion.
Ryder, a commoner turned battle warrior, is false bravado.
Xenos, a Shape Shifter, shows no loyalty to anyone.
He is isolation.
Silvia, a woman who has given into her circumstances.
She is addiction.