No Need to Fear
Fear is a powerful, persuasive, often overwhelming thing. Fear is sometimes so intense that it can be paralyzing, or can bring on waves...

I recently started playing ultimate frisbee on a league here in Chicago. It's so much fun! But for me, it's also absolutely terrifying. ...

On the Inside
May is national mental health awareness month. In honor of that, I want to share a bit more of my journey to mental health and stability. ...

Method to My Madness
I get a lot of questions about mental illnesses... treatments, management, triggers, etc. What I know is what I've learned from...

Self-Care isn't Selfish
Self love, I truly believe, is the hardest love to master. Or at least, it has been for me. I don’t want to be selfish, greedy, or come...

The Journey Isn't Futile
The drugs that save us and the drugs that hurt us are sometimes one and the same. Getting better from a mental illness isn’t a...

Holiday Hassle
My bag got searched by security. No, no, nothing bad. It got flagged as suspicious because of the enormous bag of peanut m&m's inside....

Perfect isn't Perfect
Perfection is an infuriating concept to me. 'Perfect' is based on preference and opinion. When we 'strive for perfection', whose...