The Female Experience
Let me just begin and end this with one sentence: Stop teaching our girls to not be victims; instead teach our boys to not be predators....
The Winter Ahead
Is living in fear of COVID the new normal? Are we ever going to return to a less anxious state of mind? Is fall/winter going to bring a...
Wanderlust at Home
What makes you fall in love with a city? With a house? With a neighborhood? What’s the difference - key differences - between simply...
Changing Times
Well, happy August. The year is now officially more than half over. But, boy oh boy, does it feel like 2020 has been going on for so much...
Have a Heart - Wear a Mask
It makes me sad that I have to say this but wearing a mask isn’t political, it’s simply an act of empathy. It’s not about you - about...
It’s the Fourth of July, and with the state of the USA right now (Covid-19 quarantine, Black Lives Matter Protests, political unrest,...
Mental Health Check
So this is less of a blog post and more of a check-in. I feel that, with the country starting in on its reopening, anxiety and overall...
The World Keeps Spinning
So I feel like many of you are aware that I’ve been planning a big Europe trip for the end of the year. That I’ve been working toward...